Please wait...
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    [slovnik] => stdClass Object
            [logo] => home
            [aktualizovano] => Updated
            [autor] => Author
            [drobecky] => You are here: UCT Prague
            [more_info] => More Information
            [paticka_adresa] => CONTACT

UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

Sitemap [paticka_budova_1_nadpis] => NATIONAL LIBRARY OF TECHNOLOGY [paticka_budova_a_nadpis] => BUILDING A [paticka_budova_a_popis] => Rector, Department of Communication, Centre for Information Services [paticka_budova_b_nadpis] => BUILDING B [paticka_budova_b_popis] => Dean’s Offices: FCT, FET, FFBT, FCE, Department of Education, Computer Centre, Department of International Relations, Registrar [paticka_budova_c_nadpis] => BUILDING C [paticka_budova_c_popis] => UCT Prague Childcare Centre, General Practitioner [paticka_odkaz_mail] => [social_fb_odkaz] => [social_fb_title] => Facebook - UCT Prague [social_tw_odkaz] => [social_tw_title] => Twitter - UCT Prague [social_yt_odkaz] => [social_yt_title] => YouTube - UCT Prague [stahnout] => Download [top_login] => Sign In [top_search_placeholder] => Search... [paticka_budova_1_popis] => [paticka_budova_2_nadpis] => CAFÉ CARBON [paticka_budova_2_popis] => [zobrazit_kalendar] => Read Calendar [logo_href] => / [google_search] => 001523547858480163194:u-cbn29rzve [adresa_url] => [archiv_novinek] => News Archive [submenu_novinky_rok_title] => Read News from All Year [paticka_mapa_alt] => [zobrazit_vice_kalendar] => More → [den_kratky_2] => Tue [den_kratky_5] => Fri [den_kratky_3] => Wed [novinky_kategorie_1] => UCT Events [novinky_kategorie_2] => Important Dates [novinky_kategorie_3] => Student Events [novinky_kategorie_4] => Fun [novinky_kategorie_5] => Science [novinky_archiv_url] => /news [novinky_servis_archiv_rok] => Annual Archive [novinky_servis_nadpis] => News Settings [novinky_dalsi] => More News [novinky_archiv] => News Archive [den_kratky_4] => Thurs [intranet_odkaz] => [intranet_text] => Intranet [den_kratky_1] => Mon [logo_mobile_href] => / [logo_mobile] => home [mobile_over_nadpis_menu] => Menu [mobile_over_nadpis_search] => Search [mobile_over_nadpis_jazyky] => Languages [mobile_over_nadpis_login] => Login [menu_home] => Homepage [zobraz_desktop_verzi] => switch to desktop version [zobraz_mobilni_verzi] => switch to mobile version [den_kratky_0] => Sun [paticka_mapa_odkaz] => /contact/campus-and-directions [den_kratky_6] => Sat [nepodporovany_prohlizec] => For full access, please use different browser. [dokumenty_kod] => Code [dokumenty_nazev] => Name [dokumenty_platne_od] => Valid from [dokumenty_platne_do] => Expiration [preloader] => Please wait... [novinka_publikovano] => Published: [novinka_datum_konani] => Date of event: [novinky_kategorie_7] => [novinky_servis_kategorie_vse] => vše [novinky_servis_archiv_submit] => Filtrovat [novinky_filtered_empty] => Pri zvolenem filtru, v teto kategorii nejsou zadne aktualne platne aktuality... [social_in_odkaz] => [social_in_title] => Instagram - UCT Prague [hledani_nadpis] => Search [hledani_nenalezeno] => Not found [hledani_vyhledat_google] => Search with Google [social_li_odkaz] => ) [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [1016] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [1614] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 1614 [canonical_url] => // [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) [1612] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 1612 [canonical_url] => // [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) [1613] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 1613 [canonical_url] => // [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) ) [iduzel] => 1016 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) [1017] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [1579] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Homepage [seo_title] => Homepage [seo_desc] => University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 1579 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /home [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_novinky [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [2409] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => The University of Chemistry and Technology Prague [seo_title] => About [seo_desc] => Basic information about University of Chemistry and Technology Prague [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] =>

The University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague is a natural centre of first-rate study and research in the area of chemistry in Czechia and is one of the country's largest educational and research institutions focused on technical chemistry, chemical and biochemical technologies, material and chemical engineering, food chemistry, and environmental studies.


UCT Prague - A challenge that pays off


[urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 2409 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /about-us [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [12965] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Faculties and Departments [seo_title] => Faculties and Departments [seo_desc] => Faculties and Departments UCT Prague University of Chemistry and Technology Prague [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

The University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague consists of four faculties and several other departments

[ikona] => ukazatel [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

Faculty of Chemical Technology

101 Department of Inorganic Chemistry    
105 Department of Inorganic Technology    
106 Department of Metals and Corrosion Engineering    
107 Department of Glass and Ceramics    
108 Department of Solid State Chemistry    
110 Department of Organic Chemistry    
111 Department of Organic Technology    
112 Department of Polymers    
126 Department of Solid State Engineering    
141 Laboratory of Inorganic Materials    
143 Department of Informatics and Chemistry    
148 Department of Chemical Technology of Monument Conservation    
150 Dean’s Office of Faculty of Chemical Technology    

Faculty of Environmental Technology

215 Department of Petroleum Technology and Alternative Fuels    
216 Department of Gaseous and Solid Fuels and Air Protection    

217 Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering
218 Department of Power Engineering    
240 Department of Environmental Chemistry    
241 Department of Sustainability and Product Ecology
251 Dean’s Office of Faculty of Enviromental Technology    


Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology

319 Department of Biotechnology    
320 Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology    
321 Department of Carbohydrates and Cereals    
322 Department of Dairy, Fat and Cosmetics     
323 Department of Food Analysis and Nutrition    
324 Department of Food Preservation    
342 Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds    
352 Dean’s Office of Faculty of Food and Biochemical Technology    

Faculty of Chemical Engineering

402 Department of Analytical Chemistry    
403 Department of Physical Chemistry    
409 Department of Chemical Engineering    
413 Department of Mathematics (replaced by 446)    
444 Department of Physics and Measurements    
445 Department of Computing and Control Engineering (replaced by 446)    
446 Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Cybernetics
453 Dean’s Office of Faculty of Chemical Engineering    


University Research and Education Centres

504 University Centre UCT Prague - Unipetrol    
550 Department of the National Institute of Virology and Bacteriology (NIVB) 
554 Department for the History of the Chemical Industry and Applied Chemistry    
558 Metrology and Testing Laboratory    
559 Prague University Analytical Center    
560 BAFA    
570 Technoparc Kralupy UCT Prague    

The Administration of University Facilities

712 Director´s Office    
713 Finance Department    
721 Operating Department    
723 Sázava Dormitory    
724 Volha Dormitory    
731 Technical Department    
747 Conference Center
748 Recreation facility Jáchymov     
749 Recreation facility Pec p. Sněžkou 
755 Volha Canteen
756 Club Carbon
757 Zikova Canteen
758 Camping site Běstvina

Service Departments for all UCT Prague Faculties

827 Department of Physical Education and Sport    
832 Department of Chemical Education and Humanities    
834 Department of Languages    
837 Department of Economics and Management     

Rector's Offices

929 General Practitioner    
930 Crèche Zkumavka    
938 Department of Internal Auditing    
939 Department of Supervision    
940 Counselling and Career Centre
955 Project Centre
961 Rector's Secretariat    
962 Registrar's Secretariat    
963 Department of Education    
965 Research and Technology Transfer Office    
966 Personnel Department    
968 Records Office     
969 Supplies Department    
971 Finance Department    
972 Department of Safety and Risk Prevention    
974 Department of International Relations    
976 Department of Construction and Maintenance    
977 Department of Building Administration    
979 Department of Communication    
980 Central Laboratories    
990 Computer Centre    
991 Department of Strategic Planning    
992 Hollow Glass Workrooms    
994 Technology Transfer Office    
995 Department of Operation and Technical Services    
996 Department of Public Order    
997 Centre for Information Services
        UCT Library
        UCT Press
998 Vice-Rector's without Portfolio Office    

[urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 12965 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /faculties [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => boxy [html] => [css] => [js] => $(function() { setInterval(function () { $('*[data-countdown]').each(function() { CountDownIt('#'+$(this).attr("id")); }); },1000); setInterval(function () { $('.homebox_slider:not(.stop)').each(function () { slide($(this),true); }); },5000); }); function CountDownIt(selector) { var el=$(selector);foo = new Date; var unixtime = el.attr('data-countdown')*1-parseInt(foo.getTime() / 1000); if(unixtime<0) unixtime=0; var dnu = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600*24)); unixtime=unixtime-(dnu*(3600*24)); var hodin = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600)); unixtime=unixtime-(hodin*(3600)); var minut = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (60)); unixtime=unixtime-(minut*(60)); if(unixtime<10) {unixtime='0'+unixtime;} if(dnu<10) {unixtime='0'+dnu;} if(hodin<10) {unixtime='0'+hodin;} if(minut<10) {unixtime='0'+minut;} el.html(dnu+':'+hodin+':'+minut+':'+unixtime); } function slide(el,vlevo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var leva=el.find('.content').position().left; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; var cislo=leva/sirka*-1; if(vlevo) { if(cislo+1>pocet) cislo=0; else cislo++; } else { if(cislo==0) cislo=pocet-1; else cislo--; } el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } function slideTo(el,cislo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; if(cislo<0 || cislo>pocet) return false; el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [37520] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Studies [seo_title] => Studies [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [iduzel] => 37520 [canonical_url] => // [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /studies [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => boxy [html] => [css] => [js] => $(function() { setInterval(function () { $('*[data-countdown]').each(function() { CountDownIt('#'+$(this).attr("id")); }); },1000); setInterval(function () { $('.homebox_slider:not(.stop)').each(function () { slide($(this),true); }); },5000); }); function CountDownIt(selector) { var el=$(selector);foo = new Date; var unixtime = el.attr('data-countdown')*1-parseInt(foo.getTime() / 1000); if(unixtime<0) unixtime=0; var dnu = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600*24)); unixtime=unixtime-(dnu*(3600*24)); var hodin = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600)); unixtime=unixtime-(hodin*(3600)); var minut = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (60)); unixtime=unixtime-(minut*(60)); if(unixtime<10) {unixtime='0'+unixtime;} if(dnu<10) {unixtime='0'+dnu;} if(hodin<10) {unixtime='0'+hodin;} if(minut<10) {unixtime='0'+minut;} el.html(dnu+':'+hodin+':'+minut+':'+unixtime); } function slide(el,vlevo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var leva=el.find('.content').position().left; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; var cislo=leva/sirka*-1; if(vlevo) { if(cislo+1>pocet) cislo=0; else cislo++; } else { if(cislo==0) cislo=pocet-1; else cislo--; } el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } function slideTo(el,cislo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; if(cislo<0 || cislo>pocet) return false; el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [2403] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Research at UCT Prague [seo_title] => Research at UCT Prague [seo_desc] => Research and development at University of Chemistry and Technology Prague [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => atom [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

UCT Prague is a research university primarily focused on technical chemistry, chemical and biochemical technologies, material and chemical engineering, food science, and environmental science. Its cutting-edge facilities and equipment together, with an impressive scientific and research profile, make it an ideal training ground for the managerial, R&D, and public sector leaders of the future.

UCT Prague has four faculties. Its competitive edge lies in its unique “weaving together” of teaching activities with the highest-quality basic and applied research. Across UCT Prague, scientific teams are intensively involved in various national and international cooperative R&D efforts. The Project Centre provides methodological and administrative support to researchers submitting project applications and managing funded projects.

UCT Prague considers the commercialisation of applied research to be an important part of its mission. For that reason, UCT Prague’ss Research and Technology Transfer Office offers researchers support, contributing to extending valourisation of scientific outputs and pursuing the quest for new collaborative partners in applied settings. In 2015, UCT Prague opened Technopark Kralupy, a science and technology hub focused on chemistry for building construction applications, materials engineering, and related fields. The Technopark plays an essential role in UCT Prague’s technology transfer efforts and strategies.

The Research and Technology Transfer Office facilitates internal grants for researchers and students, offers opportunities to compete in prestigious research competitions, and promotes active engagement and participation in student conferences.

UCT Prague is an attractive institution for young scientists and early career researchers, and the Project Centre actively supports hosting and mentoring ECRs, e.g. as part of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. Here, ECRs can apply for a prestigious start-up grant, the Dagmar Procházková Fund, in order to create their own UCT Prague research groups. Postdoctoral fellows at UCT Prague receive extensive international mobility support for broadening their research horizons.

UCT Prague is actively involved in global scientific efforts and is continuously expanding and deepening its collaborations with partners around the world. The basic pillars of these activities include scientific research projects, inter-university cooperation memoranda, and Erasmus+ agreements. UCT Prague additionally creates and accredits joint study programmes with universities abroad.

Paving the way for the European Commission’s HR Excellence in Research Award, UCT Prague is committed to creating collegial working conditions, supporting continuous professional development, and transparent hiring procedures. The Personnel Department co-creates facilities for employees together with the Welcome Centre, which supports employees arriving from abroad, from assisting with the visa process to answering questions about everyday life in Prague. In its determination to be an attractive and welcoming institution for all employees and students, UCT Prague has created a Gender Equality Plan, an executive action initiative.

[urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 2403 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /research [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [5649] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Cooperation [seo_title] => Cooperation [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

UCT Prague has a long tradition of collaborative and cooperative activities, across technological sectors, with other institutions and laboratories, secondary schools, and industrial and international partners - nearly seventy percent of which are located beyond the boundaries of the Czech capital.

[ikona] => molekula [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 5649 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /cooperation [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [59365] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => [seo_title] => Career [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [iduzel] => 59365 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /career [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => boxy [html] => [css] => [js] => $(function() { setInterval(function () { $('*[data-countdown]').each(function() { CountDownIt('#'+$(this).attr("id")); }); },1000); setInterval(function () { $('.homebox_slider:not(.stop)').each(function () { slide($(this),true); }); },5000); }); function CountDownIt(selector) { var el=$(selector);foo = new Date; var unixtime = el.attr('data-countdown')*1-parseInt(foo.getTime() / 1000); if(unixtime<0) unixtime=0; var dnu = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600*24)); unixtime=unixtime-(dnu*(3600*24)); var hodin = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600)); unixtime=unixtime-(hodin*(3600)); var minut = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (60)); unixtime=unixtime-(minut*(60)); if(unixtime<10) {unixtime='0'+unixtime;} if(dnu<10) {unixtime='0'+dnu;} if(hodin<10) {unixtime='0'+hodin;} if(minut<10) {unixtime='0'+minut;} el.html(dnu+':'+hodin+':'+minut+':'+unixtime); } function slide(el,vlevo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var leva=el.find('.content').position().left; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; var cislo=leva/sirka*-1; if(vlevo) { if(cislo+1>pocet) cislo=0; else cislo++; } else { if(cislo==0) cislo=pocet-1; else cislo--; } el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } function slideTo(el,cislo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; if(cislo<0 || cislo>pocet) return false; el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [13885] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Press and Media [seo_title] => Press and Media [seo_desc] => Press and Media UCT Prague University of Chemistry and Technology Prague [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

Contact for media

Feel free to contact Department of Comunication with any inquiry. The department will provide contact on University scientific staff.

Main contact person

L Mgr. Michal Janovský
e + 420 220 444 159
e + 420 733 690 543
- Room: A205a

Deputy contact person

D Mgr. Jan Kříž
e +420 220 443 799
: +420 728 831 726
Room A318

Whole team of Department of Comunication

Press releases


You can find older press releases in archive.

[urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 13885 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /press [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_submenu [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [64884] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Alumni of UCT Prague [seo_title] => Alumni of UCT Prague [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

This webpage is intended for graduates of UCT Prague. Here you can register in the Alumni database, view defended theses or get copies of your lost or destroyed documents about your studies.

[ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>


Counselling and Career Centre UCT Prague

We offer students and graduates counselling, psychological counselling, soft skills workshops and job offers.


Alumni Club

The Alumni Club of the UCT Prague, brings together alumni and friends of the University. It strives to create a mutual communication platform between the school, alumni and current students. The club offers alumni meetings and lectures by successful alumni. 


[urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 64884 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /alumni [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_ikona [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72595] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Contact [seo_title] => Contact [seo_desc] => Overview of contacts on University of Chemistry and Technology Prague. [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] => [urlnadstranka] => [iduzel] => 72595 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /contact [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => boxy [html] => [css] => [js] => $(function() { setInterval(function () { $('*[data-countdown]').each(function() { CountDownIt('#'+$(this).attr("id")); }); },1000); setInterval(function () { $('.homebox_slider:not(.stop)').each(function () { slide($(this),true); }); },5000); }); function CountDownIt(selector) { var el=$(selector);foo = new Date; var unixtime = el.attr('data-countdown')*1-parseInt(foo.getTime() / 1000); if(unixtime<0) unixtime=0; var dnu = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600*24)); unixtime=unixtime-(dnu*(3600*24)); var hodin = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (3600)); unixtime=unixtime-(hodin*(3600)); var minut = 1*parseInt(unixtime / (60)); unixtime=unixtime-(minut*(60)); if(unixtime<10) {unixtime='0'+unixtime;} if(dnu<10) {unixtime='0'+dnu;} if(hodin<10) {unixtime='0'+hodin;} if(minut<10) {unixtime='0'+minut;} el.html(dnu+':'+hodin+':'+minut+':'+unixtime); } function slide(el,vlevo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var leva=el.find('.content').position().left; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; var cislo=leva/sirka*-1; if(vlevo) { if(cislo+1>pocet) cislo=0; else cislo++; } else { if(cislo==0) cislo=pocet-1; else cislo--; } el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } function slideTo(el,cislo) { if(el.length<1) return false; var sirka=el.width(); var pocet=el.find('.content .homebox').length-1; if(cislo<0 || cislo>pocet) return false; el.find('.content').animate({'left':-1*cislo*sirka}); el.find('.slider_puntiky a').removeClass('selected'); el.find('.slider_puntiky a.puntik'+cislo).addClass('selected'); return false; } [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [73531] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 73531 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) [13665] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => [seo_title] => Sitemap [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [obsah] => [iduzel] => 13665 [canonical_url] => // [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /sitemap-en [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => sitemap [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [24134] => stdClass Object ( [obsah] => [iduzel] => 24134 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) ) [iduzel] => 1017 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) [519] => stdClass Object ( [nadpis] => [data] => [poduzel] => stdClass Object ( [61411] => stdClass Object ( [nadpis] => [apiurl] => [urlwildcard] => cis-path [iduzel] => 61411 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /sis [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => api_html [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) ) [iduzel] => 519 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => ) ) ) [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => web [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) [api_suffix] => )


stdClass Object
    [nazev] => What do we do at UCT Prague?
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            [73226] => stdClass Object
                    [nazev] => Transforming Chemistry Education Through an Innovative Experiment
                    [seo_title] => Transforming Chemistry Education Through an Innovative Experiment
                    [seo_desc] => 
                    [autor] => 
                    [autor_email] => 
                    [perex] => 

A new study conducted at the University of Chemistry and Technology has unveiled an innovative laboratory experiment that promises to ignite students' passion for chemistry and enhance their understanding of fundamental scientific principles. Led by corresponding author Jan Havlik, the research introduces a visually captivating experiment that explores the triboluminescence phenomenon through the synthesis of a manganese complex.

[ikona] => [obrazek] => 0001~~c8tMLy1KVTDUUwgpykzKzynNzcxLLU5OzUtOVdBVSMspzS-CcgE.jpg [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

Triboluminescence, a fascinating phenomenon resulting from mechanical stress applied to crystals, has long intrigued scientists and educators alike. This research not only advances our understanding of triboluminescence but also transforms it into an engaging educational tool. The study's findings hold significant implications for science education, particularly in high schools and universities.

„Our research bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience by offering students a simple yet enriching laboratory activity," stated Jan Havlik, the corresponding author of the study. „Through this experiment, students not only delve into the fascinating world of triboluminescence but also develop crucial laboratory skills and a deeper appreciation for the intricate properties of chemical compounds."

The experiment involves the synthesis of a manganese complex, [MnBr2(Ph3PO)2], which displays remarkable triboluminescent, fluorescent, and magnetic properties. High school students participating in the laboratory exercise successfully prepared the complex, demonstrating yields ranging from 32 to 96% of theoretical yield. Through hands-on experience, students engaged in crystal preparation, observed triboluminescence, and gained insights into fluorescence and magnetic behavior.

„By offering students the opportunity to witness and analyze triboluminescence and other properties of this unique compound, we are fostering a new generation of curious and skilled chemists," Havlik added. „This experiment is not only captivating but also safe and cost-effective, making it an ideal addition to various educational settings."

The research holds promise for diverse educational environments, including high school and university laboratories, science clubs, and public science outreach activities. The simplicity and accessibility of the experiment empower educators to inspire students' interest in chemistry and lay the foundation for a deeper understanding of scientific phenomena.

Text is based on the research article:

Exploring Triboluminescence and Paramagnetism: A Rapid Mn Complex Synthesis for High School and Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratories. Vaclav Matousek, Radek Matuska, Tomas Vranka, Martin Adamec, Tadeas Herentin, Jiri Kalacek, and Jan Havlik. Journal of Chemical Education. 2023 100 (8), 3061-3069. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.3c00372

[urlnadstranka] => [poduzel] => Array ( ) [iduzel] => 73226 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /press/what-do-we-do-at-uct-prague/transforming-chemistry-education-through-an-innovative-experiment [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_obrazek [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [73950] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Automating Pharmaceutical Spray Drying for Accelerated Drug Development [seo_title] => Automating Pharmaceutical Spray Drying for Accelerated Drug Development [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

Researchers at the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague have unveiled an innovative spray drying robot, designed to change the pharmaceutical industry's approach to drug development. This research, led by corresponding author František Štěpánek, marks a significant leap forward in the quest for faster and more efficient pharmaceutical formulation development.

[ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

 ◳ Graphical abstract (jpg) → (šířka 450px)Graphical abstract

Pharmaceutical drug development relies heavily on the creation of amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs) to enhance the dissolution rate and stability of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Developing ASDs with the desired physico-chemical properties is a complex and time-consuming process that often involves the manual preparation of numerous sample compositions with varying ratios of API and excipients. This tedious and resource-intensive task has hindered the systematic exploration of formulation design space, resulting in suboptimal formulations and slower drug development processes.

František Štěpánek's team has addressed this challenge by introducing the "spray drying robot," an innovative device that streamlines the preparation of ASDs. The spray drying robot leverages a commercial laboratory spray dryer, enhancing it with three key components: a computer-controlled feed mixing and pumping array, a cyclone cleaner to minimize cross-contamination, and an autosampler for automated sample collection. This combination allows researchers to produce powder samples with systematically varying compositions during a single spray drying run, dramatically reducing the time and manual effort required for formulation development.

The significance of this breakthrough lies in its potential to accelerate the pharmaceutical drug development process. By automating the creation of multi-component powder samples, the spray drying robot offers a practical solution for large-scale screening studies, allowing researchers to explore the formulation design space more efficiently and systematically. This time-saving innovation will significantly contribute to the development of superior and more effective drug products.

Notably, this research marks a practical limit on the achievable "resolution" in the composition design space. With the ability to select from up to nine different feed solutions and assuming a conservative composition resolution of 20 wt%, the spray drying robot can generate up to 1,287 distinct powder compositions, potentially rising to 43,758 with a 10 wt% resolution. While not all of these formulations may be meaningful, the spray drying robot empowers researchers to conduct formulation screening studies with significant time savings, minimizing the risk of missing out on superior formulations.

František Štěpánek and his team at the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague believe that their innovation will have a transformative impact on the pharmaceutical industry, offering researchers in both academia and industry a more efficient and effective approach to drug development. With this novel device, they aim to drive the future of pharmaceutical formulation development and, ultimately, the creation of superior, life-changing drugs.

Text is based on the research article:

Vojtěch Klimša, Gabriela Ruphuy, Jan Jonáš, Lucie Mašková, Ondřej Kašpar, Pavel Žvátora, František Štěpánek, Spray drying robot for high-throughput combinatorial fabrication of multicomponent solid dispersionsPowder Technology, Volume 428, 2023, 118872, ISSN 0032-5910,

[urlnadstranka] => [poduzel] => Array ( ) [iduzel] => 73950 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /press/what-do-we-do-at-uct-prague/automating-pharmaceutical-spray-drying-for-accelerated-drug-development [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_ikona [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [73062] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Study Reveals New Insights into Yoghurt Production with Microbial Transglutaminase and Exopolysaccharides [seo_title] => Study Reveals New Insights into Yoghurt Production with Microbial Transglutaminase and Exopolysaccharides [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

In a stride towards enhancing the quality of yoghurt products, researchers from University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague have uncovered exciting findings that shed light on the combined impact of microbial transglutaminase (MTG) treatment and exopolysaccharides (EPS) on the rheological and microstructural properties of yoghurt.

[ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

 ◳ Confocal laser scanning microscopy images of yoghurt samples (jpg) → (šířka 450px)

Confocal laser scanning microscopy images of yoghurt samples: A, yoghurt fermented by non-EPS-producing culture CCDM RX 22 without MTG addition; B, yoghurt fermented by non-EPS-producing culture CCDM RX 22 treated by 1 U g−1 of MTG simultaneously with culture; C, yoghurt fermented by a mixed EPS-producing culture of Streptococcus thermophilus CCDM 144 and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus CCDM 767 without MTG addition; D, yoghurt fermented by a mixed EPS-producing culture of Streptococcus thermophilus CCDM 144 and Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus CCDM 767 treated by 1 U g−1 of MTG simultaneously with culture. Red structures and proteins stained with FastGreen dye. Dark areas represent empty pores.

In a study that promises to transform the texture and quality of yoghurt, researchers have explored the combined effects of microbial transglutaminase (MTG) treatment and exopolysaccharides (EPS) on the rheological and microstructural properties of this beloved dairy product. The results, published in the recent research article, shed light on an innovative approach to enhancing yoghurt's consistency, viscosity, and overall sensory experience.

The study delved into the intricate interplay between MTG, EPS, and the fermentation process in shaping yoghurt's properties. The researchers aimed to understand how these elements, when introduced at different stages of production, impact the final texture and structure of yoghurt.

“The experiment involved treating milk with transglutaminase both prior to fermentation and simultaneously with a yoghurt culture. Fermentations were conducted at two different temperature ranges: short-term fermentation at 42°C for 6-8 hours and long-term fermentation at 30°C for 16-18 hours.” stated Stepan Marhons, the corresponding author of the study. The team used two distinct yoghurt cultures—one that produces EPS and another that does not—to observe the contrasting effects of EPS presence.

The findings of the study revealed remarkable transformations in the yoghurt's properties. Treatment with transglutaminase alone led to an increase in gel strength and viscosity. However, the most notable effects were observed when MTG and the yoghurt culture were applied simultaneously. This dual approach resulted in a more substantial enhancement of these textural attributes.

Exopolysaccharides, naturally occurring polymers secreted by microorganisms, further elevated the positive impact of MTG. These substances played a pivotal role in augmenting gel strength and viscosity, setting the stage for a remarkably improved sensory experience for consumers.

One of the most intriguing outcomes of the research was the alteration in protein structures within the yoghurt matrix. The introduction of MTG and EPS contributed to the development of new three-dimensional protein structures. These reconfigured structures led to a reduction in the size of pores between protein chains, significantly enhancing the yoghurt's ability to retain water. Consequently, the unwanted phenomenon of syneresis—whey separation—was curtailed, ensuring a smoother, more consistent product.

Furthermore, the ropiness that is sometimes observed in yoghurts rich in EPS was considerably minimized through MTG treatment. This breakthrough contributed to an enhanced acceptability of the yoghurt's texture, making it more palatable and enjoyable for consumers.

The implications of this research are immense, as it paves the way for a revolution in yoghurt production techniques. The combination of microbial transglutaminase and exopolysaccharides holds the potential to create yoghurts with superior texture, improved water-binding properties, and reduced syneresis. This not only satisfies consumer preferences but also has the potential to extend the shelf life of the product.

As the food industry continues to evolve, this study stands as a testament to the power of scientific innovation in redefining everyday products. The findings offer both consumers and manufacturers an exciting glimpse into the future possibilities of yoghurt production, where texture and quality reach new heights.

In summary, the research underscores the transformative influence of microbial transglutaminase and exopolysaccharides on yoghurt's rheological and microstructural properties. This study provides a remarkable avenue for revolutionizing the yoghurt industry, offering consumers a tantalizing taste of what's to come.

Text is based on the research article:

Marhons, Š., Hyršlová, I., Stetsenko, V., Jablonská, E., Veselý, M., Míchová, H., … & Štĕtina, J. (2023). Properties of yoghurt treated with microbial transglutaminase and exopolysaccharides. International Dairy Journal, 144, 105701.

[urlnadstranka] => [poduzel] => Array ( ) [iduzel] => 73062 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /press/what-do-we-do-at-uct-prague/yoghurt-production-with-microbial-transglutaminase-and-exopolysaccharides [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_ikona [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [73055] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => 3D mapping as an analytical tool for investigating drug particles [seo_title] => 3D mapping as an analytical tool for investigating drug particles [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

A study conducted by researchers from the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague sheds light on the properties and performance of dry-coated paracetamol particles, utilizing carnauba wax as the coating agent. The study, which employed advanced Raman mapping techniques, provides valuable insights into the thickness, homogeneity, and dissolution characteristics of the coated particles.

[ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

3D mapping as an analytical tool for investigating drug particles

Fig. 1. Graphical abstract

The research focused on utilizing carnauba wax as a dissolution retardant to improve the drug delivery properties of paracetamol. By employing non-destructive Raman mapping, the scientists were able to examine the coated particles without altering their structure. This unique application of Raman mapping technique applied for dry-coated particles revealed the presence of two distinct forms of wax on the surface of paracetamol particles, forming a porous coating layer.

The first form involved intact wax particles residing on the surface of paracetamol, adhering to other wax particles present. The second form consisted of deformed wax particles spread across the surface. This unique coating structure provided a porous layer, offering promising potential for controlled drug release.

Remarkably, the study found that the coating thickness exhibited significant variability in the range of few microns, regardless of the final particle size fraction. This finding highlights the need for precise analytical method to characterize the coating thickness in pharmaceutical products to ensure optimal drug release profiles.

Furthermore, the researchers confirmed the ability of carnauba wax to effectively decrease the dissolution rate of paracetamol through experiments with powder and tablet formulations. The dissolution rate was observed to be slower for larger coated particles, demonstrating the influence of particle size on drug release kinetics.

Importantly, the study emphasized the critical role of subsequent formulation processes, such as tableting, in further reducing the dissolution rate. These findings underscore the significant impact of formulation techniques on the final quality and performance of pharmaceutical products.

Dr. Georgia Koutentaki commented on the implications of the research, stating, "Our investigation highlights the potential of carnauba wax as a valuable coating agent for enhancing the performance of fast-dissolving drugs like paracetamol. By understanding the coating structure and its impact on dissolution rates, we can optimize drug delivery systems and develop more effective pharmaceutical formulations."

The findings of this research hold considerable promise for the pharmaceutical industry, providing a deeper understanding of dry-coated paracetamol particles and their potential applications for controlled drug release. The development of improved drug delivery systems has the potential to enhance patient experiences and optimize therapeutic outcomes.

Text is based on the research article:

Koutentaki, G., Krýsa, P., Trunov, D., Pekárek, T., Pišlová, M., & Šoóš, M. (2023). 3D Raman mapping as an analytical tool for investigating the coatings of coated drug particles. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 13(3), 276-286.

[urlnadstranka] => [poduzel] => Array ( ) [iduzel] => 73055 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /press/what-do-we-do-at-uct-prague/3d-mapping-as-an-analytical-tool-for-investigating-drug-particles [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_ikona [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72421] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Black Phosphorus-Based Human-Machine Communication Interface: A Breakthrough in Assistive Technology [seo_title] => Black Phosphorus-Based Human-Machine Communication Interface: A Breakthrough in Assistive Technology [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

Researchers at University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague have made progress in the field of assistive technology with the development of a novel auditory human-machine interface using black phosphorus-based tactile sensors. Research led by Prof. Martin Pumera Dr. Jan Vyskočil, has the potential to revolutionize communication for visually or speech-disabled individuals by providing an intuitive and efficient means of conveying information.

[ikona] => [obrazek] => [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

Assistive technology that utilizes auditory feedback has traditionally been employed by individuals with visual impairments or speech and language difficulties. In this study, the focus was on creating an auditory human-machine interface that utilizes audio as a platform for communication between disabled users and society. The researchers developed a piezoresistive tactile sensor using a composite of black phosphorus and polyaniline (BP@PANI) through a simple chemical oxidative polymerization process on cotton fabric.

 ◳ a, b SEM and STEM images of pristine BP. c SEM image of BP@PANI composite. d SEM image of the pristine fabric. e SEM image of BP@PANI-coated fabric. f EDS mapping of BP@PANI-coated fabric

Fig. 2: Morphology characterizations: a,bSEM and STEM images of pristine BP.cSEM image of BP@PANI composite.dSEM image of the pristine fabric.eSEM image of BP@PANI-coated fabric.fEDS mapping of BP@PANI-coated fabric.

The unique structure and superior electrical properties of black phosphorus, combined with the large surface area of the fabric, enabled the BP@PANI-based tactile sensor to exhibit exceptional sensitivity, low-pressure sensitivity, reasonable response time, and excellent cycle stability. To demonstrate real-world application, a prototype device was created, incorporating six BP@PANI tactile sensors corresponding to braille characters. This device can convert pressed text into audio, aiding visually or speech-disabled individuals in reading and typing. It offers a promising solution for improving communication and accessibility for this demographic.

Prof. Martin Pumera, lead researcher, explains the significance of this research: "Our study provides valuable insights into the development of auditory feedback devices based on layered and 2D materials for human-machine interfaces. By utilizing black phosphorus as the active material, we have achieved remarkable sensitivity and stability in our tactile sensor. This opens up new possibilities for low-cost tactile sensors that can be seamlessly integrated into wearable electronics, such as human-machine communication interfacing and touch screens."

Dr. Jan Vyskočil, co-author of the study, emphasizes the practical implications: "The tactile sensor we have developed has the potential to greatly enhance the lives of visually or speech-disabled individuals. With the ability to convert braille characters into audio, this technology facilitates the learning and reading of braille letters, thus improving communication abilities. Furthermore, it can be applied to create portable electronic books, providing a versatile tool for education and accessibility."

This research represents a significant step forward in the field of assistive technology, offering a novel approach to auditory human-machine interfaces. The use of black phosphorus-based tactile sensors showcases the potential of layered and 2D materials in the development of highly sensitive and stable devices. The scalable and cost-effective fabrication process of the proposed technology further enhances its potential for widespread integration in future wearable electronics.

Text is based on the research article: 

Vaghasiya, J.V., Mayorga-Martinez, C.C., Vyskočil, J. et al. Black phosphorous-based human-machine communication interface. Nat Commun 14, 2 (2023).

[urlnadstranka] => [poduzel] => Array ( ) [iduzel] => 72421 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /press/what-do-we-do-at-uct-prague/black-phosphorus-based-human-machine-communication-interface [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_ikona [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [72152] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => New research provides a rapid and non-destructive method for identifying honey's botanical origin [seo_title] => New research provides a rapid and non-destructive method for identifying honey's botanical origin [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

Researchers at University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague have developed a rapid, non-destructive method using attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) to identify the botanical origin of honey. This method, which efficiently categorizes honey based on origin, has implications for honey pricing and marketability, aiding in more precise and cost-effective product differentiation.


[ikona] => [obrazek] => 0001~~JYxBDkIhDAWv8k7gLTT5W-MFGnhIEyykRSO3F3U5mckcljXJ1BdxuR1XxGCaLijdQUkVvWBWQkzaCmbUblx4yHRNjBPO3yj11p8O53AGbQYEWUuhb_jHb0hAJzS2idFk7Znab954p-UP.jpg [ogobrazek] => 0001~~JYxBDkIhDAWv8k7gLTT5W-MFGnhIEyykRSO3F3U5mckcljXJ1BdxuR1XxGCaLijdQUkVvWBWQkzaCmbUblx4yHRNjBPO3yj11p8O53AGbQYEWUuhb_jHb0hAJzS2idFk7Znab954p-UP.jpg [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

 ◳ Indicative FTIR spectra for each of the analysed honey matrices. Each colour represents a different matrix as it is displayed in the legend (jpg) → (originál)

Fig. 2. Indicative FTIR spectra for each of the analysed honey matrices. Each colour represents a different matrix as it is displayed in the legend.

In an innovative development that will significantly streamline the categorization of honey and its subsequent pricing in the market, a new study has developed a rapid and non-destructive method to identify the botanical origin of honey.

The study, utilizing a spectroscopic method, namely, attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR), successfully demonstrated a workflow to swiftly identify the botanical origin of honey, a task that traditionally necessitated extensive high-end analysis.

Honey's botanical origin influences not only its market price but also its organoleptic properties and potential health benefits, making it a critical factor in consumer choice. This breakthrough comes as a boon to industry stakeholders who can now categorize honey in a more precise and cost-effective manner.

The researchers tested twenty-two different pre-processing methods and combinations, including scatter correction methods and spectral derivation methods, using both supervised and non-supervised tools. Their efforts revolved around optimally projecting a diverse array of fifty-one honey samples from five different botanical origins, namely blossom, honeydew, cotton, thyme, and citrus.

The study's pivotal finding suggests the most efficient data pre-processing method is the combination of multiplicative scatter correction followed by Savitzky-Golay first derivation. This procedure resulted in excellent recognition (87–100%) and prediction (81–100%) ability when applied in binary models.

The findings highlight the significant, yet often overlooked, effect of spectral data pre-processing before the application of advanced chemometrics. This novel approach will pave the way for rapid and efficient identification of honey's botanical origin, thereby providing a much-needed enhancement in the world of honey production and marketing.

Text is based on the research article:

Tsagkaris, A. S., Bechynska, K., Ntakoulas, D. D., Pasias, I. N., Weller, P., Proestos, C., & Hajslova, J. (2023). Investigating the impact of spectral data pre-processing to assess honey botanical origin through Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 119, 105276.

[urlnadstranka] => [poduzel] => Array ( ) [iduzel] => 72152 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /press/what-do-we-do-at-uct-prague/new-research-provides-a-rapid-and-non-destructive-method-for-identifying-honey-s-botanical-origin [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_ikona [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [68500] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Chickensplash! Exploring the health concerns of washing raw chicken [seo_title] => Chickensplash! Exploring the health concerns of washing raw chicken [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

Health experts recommend against washing chicken before cooking it because that can spread harmful bacteria. But if you’re among the nearly 70 percent of people who do, according to a survey of U.S. grocery shoppers, there are ways to make it safer.

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Many cooks continue to wash raw chicken despite this warning, however, and there is a lack of scientific research assessing the extent of microbial transmission in splashed droplets. Here, the scientists used the large agar plates to confirm that bacteria can be transferred from the surface of raw chicken through splashing.

 Scientists also identified and created a phylogenetic tree of the bacteria present on the chicken and the bacteria transferred during splashing. While no food-borne pathogens were identified, the note that organisms in the same genera as pathogens were transferred from the chicken surface through these droplets.

Raw chicken can be fouled by Salmonella and other bacteria that can cause foodborne illnesses. Even minor splashing may contaminate sinks with germs that can spread through contact with other foods and hands

Researchers showed that faucet height, flow type, and surface stiffness play a role in splash height and distance. Using high-speed imaging to explore splashing causes, they found that increasing faucet height leads to a flow instability that can increase splashing. Furthermore, splashing from soft materials such as chicken can create a divot in the surface, leading to splashing under flow conditions that would not splash on a curved, hard surface.

“We conclude that washing raw chicken does risk pathogen transfer and cross-contamination through droplet ejection, and that changing washing conditions can increase or decrease the risk of splashing.”  says researcher from University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague Dr. Chlumsky.

 ◳ MA. Ondřej Chlumský, Ph.D researcher from UCT Prague (jpg) → (šířka 450px)

Text is based on the research article: Carmody, C. D., Mueller, R. C., Grodner, B. M., Chlumsky, O., Wilking, J. N., & McCalla, S. G. (2022). Chickensplash! Exploring the health concerns of washing raw chicken. Physics of Fluids, 34(3), 031910.

[urlnadstranka] => [poduzel] => Array ( ) [iduzel] => 68500 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /press/what-do-we-do-at-uct-prague/chickensplash-exploring-the-health-concerns-of-washing-raw-chicken [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_obrazek [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [68498] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Magnetic plant biobots can be effectively used for pesticide and heavy metal removal [seo_title] => Magnetic plant biobots can be effectively used for pesticide and heavy metal removal [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

Biohybrid micro/nanorobots that integrate biological entities with artificial nanomaterials have shown great potential in the field of biotechnology. However, commonly used physical hybridization approaches can lead to blockages and damage to biological interfaces, impeding the optimal exploitation of natural abilities.

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In a new study from the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague, the removal of the pesticide chlorpyrifos was demonstrated using plant-based robots. To produce magnetic plant biobots, researchers cultivated plant calli on media containing ferromagnetic material. This material (Iron oxide) was taken up inside the plant cells during their growth. Moreover this materials were not toxic to plant calli, providing structural stability and enhancing callus growth. The plant-based robots had a growth rate of 460% and excellent removal efficiency of 80% for chlorpyrifos. These results suggest that magnetic plant biobots can be effectively used not only for pesticide removal but also for heavy metal removal. Furthermore, magnetic plant biobots are excellent candidates to remediate polluted water.

In this study, the researches showed that magnetically propelled plant biobots, employing tomato-callus cultivation engineering in the presence of iron oxide nanoparticles, are capable of active movement and directional guidance under a transversal rotating magnetic field. The Iron oxide nanoparticles were transported through the cell growth media and then taken up into the plant tissue cells, imparting the plant biobot with magnetic function. Moreover, iron ions support the growth of callus cells, resulting in nanoparticle incorporation and enabling faster growth and structurally compact texture. The magnetic plant biobots demonstrated rapid and efficient removal of chlorpyrifos, a hazardous nerve gas agent that causes severe acute toxicity, and recovery using an external magnetic field. The eco-friendly plant biobots described here demonstrate their potential in biomedical and environmental applications.

“The great advantage of these magnetic plant biobots is their simple preparation. This procedure can be easily scaled up. “ says Prof. Martin Pumera, Ph.D.

 ◳ Prof. Martin Pumera (jpg) → (originál)

Text is based on the research article: Song, SJ., Mayorga-Martinez, C.C., Huska, D. et al. Engineered magnetic plant biobots for nerve agent removal. NPG Asia Mater 14, 79 (2022).

[urlnadstranka] => [poduzel] => Array ( ) [iduzel] => 68498 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /press/what-do-we-do-at-uct-prague/magnetic-plant-biobots-can-be-effectively-used-for-pesticide-and-heavy-metal-removal [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_obrazek [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [68350] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Flavonolignans reduce the virulence of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains [seo_title] => Flavonolignans reduce the virulence of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

Antibiotic resistance is currently a serious health problem. Since the discovery of new antibiotics no longer seems to be a sufficient tool in the fight against multidrug-resistant infections, adjuvant therapy is gaining importance as well as reducing bacterial virulence. Silymarin can be found in milk thistle and is a complex of flavonolignans known for its broad spectrum of biological activities, including its ability to modulate drug resistance in cancer.

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Infections by Staphylococcus aureus cause severe diseases with high morbidity and mortality. Since the discovery of new antibiotics seems to be no longer sufficient in the fight against those infections, it is very often replaced by adjuvant therapy, where the mechanism of resistance is specifically inhibited, and the previously ineffective antibiotic regains its antimicrobial effects. Flavonolignans have shown promising potential in this treatment approach. Authors of a recent study published in Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy focused on the ability of flavonolignans to inhibit intercellular bacterial communication and inhibit bacterial cell adhesion to the surface.

Researchers from the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague found that in particular, optically pure flavonolignans have great potential as adjunct therapeutics in the control of Staphylococcus aureus infections. Flavonolignans have no or negligible toxicity, and have no antibiotic activity of their own, precluding the development of resistance. Flavonolignans have been part of the human diet for centuries, and have no adverse health effects. Numerous studies have demonstrated that flavonolignans have potent anticancer effects, and can restore the susceptibility of drug-resistant cancer cell lines. The research paper also highlights the need for the use of pure stereomers in the evaluation of biological activities.

“More attention should be paid to these compounds as they show promise for adjuvant therapies and reduce the virulence of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains.“ says doc. Ing. Jan Lipov, Ph.D.

 ◳ Jan Lipov (jpg) → (šířka 450px)

Text is based on the research article: 

Kateřina Holasová, Bára Křížkovská, Lan Hoang, Simona Dobiasová, Jan Lipov, Tomáš Macek, Vladimír Křen, Kateřina Valentová, Tomáš Ruml, Jitka Viktorová, Flavonolignans from silymarin modulate antibiotic resistance and virulence in Staphylococcus aureus, Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy, Volume 149, 2022, 112806, ISSN 0753-3322,

[urlnadstranka] => [poduzel] => Array ( ) [iduzel] => 68350 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /press/what-do-we-do-at-uct-prague/flavonolignans-reduce-the-virulence-of-antibiotic-resistant-bacterial-strains [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_obrazek [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [68352] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Overview about intelligent drug delivery by Biohybrid Micro- and Nanorobots [seo_title] => Overview about intelligent drug delivery by Biohybrid Micro- and Nanorobots [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

Biohybrid micro- and nanorobots are integrated tiny machines from biological components and artificial components. They can possess the advantages of onboard actuation, sensing, control, and implementation of multiple medical tasks such as targeted drug delivery, single-cell manipulation, and cell microsurgery.

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Microrobotics is dedicated to the research and development of artificial machines with the maximum size on the micron scale for a wide range of real-world applications. This emerging research field has received ever-increasing attention, especially after molecular machines were selected as the topic of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2016.

The purpose of the medical microrobotics is to develop and deploy large numbers of micro/nanomachines to carry out diverse medical tasks inside the complex body conditions. Nevertheless, existing challenges in materials design, mass production, biocompatibility, and control over locomotion and functionality need further efforts to overcome, thereby releasing the translational potential of medical microrobots for the clinic.

 Review paper written by researchers from University of Chemistry and Technology Prague is to give an overview of biohybrid micro- and nanorobots for smart drug delivery applications. The present review work gives a summary of the recent advancements in rational designs of biohybrid micro- and nanorobots for targeted drug delivery applications The size of a biohybrid robot is related to the biological template used. For example, using a cell as the template, the robot size is close to the cell size.

 “Despite the rapid development of biohybrid micro- and nanorobots with ever-increasing functionalities, most of the biohybrid micro- and nanorobots designed for drug delivery purposes are still in their infancy. There is still a long way to go before their commercialization and clinical applications can be achieved.,” says principal researcher professor Sofer.

 ◳ Zdenek Sofer (jpg) → (šířka 450px)

Text is based on the research article: Jinhua Li, Lukas Dekanovsky, Bahareh Khezri, Bing Wu, Huaijuan Zhou, Zdenek Sofer, "Biohybrid Micro- and Nanorobots for Intelligent Drug Delivery", Cyborg and Bionic Systems, vol. 2022, Article ID 9824057, 13 pages, 2022.

[urlnadstranka] => [poduzel] => Array ( ) [iduzel] => 68352 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /press/what-do-we-do-at-uct-prague/overview-about-intelligent-drug-delivery-by-biohybrid-micro-and-nanorobots [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_obrazek [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [68277] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Happy people spend less on consumption study across 22 OECD countries suggests [seo_title] => Happy people spend less on consumption study across 22 OECD countries suggests [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] => [ikona] => [obrazek] => 0001~~8y5KzM4vVwjOyC8oyMxLV8hNzMlR0IiqTM8tzStRCCgt0VEIz8zOzE1NyUxUcM7Pzc3PK9YEAA.jpg [ogobrazek] => [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

Psychology and economics can contribute to a better understanding of consumer behavior. While purchasing power depends on real income and wealth, willingness stems from the consumers’ confidence and expectations about national and personal economic conditions.

Consumer confidence measures the perceptions of customers about their recent and future financial situation and economic climate. Views on the possibility of using the Consumer Confidence Index (CCI), a measure of the prevailing consumer sentiment, to analyze private consumption, vary, and the efficacy of the CCI in analyzing and forecasting economic phenomena is not universally accepted. The predictive power of the consumer confidence is more obvious during exceptional events such as political or economic shocks, environmental crises, etc.

Researchers from the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague found that the CCI always plays a positive and statistically significant role in the development of consumption. This means that an increase in the CCI increases the growth of total consumption and expenditures on durable and semidurable goods and services. We may expect that consumer confidence influences spending on nondurable goods, especially during exceptional events when consumer priorities are centered on basic needs. The uncertainty of the external situation may lead to panic buying and over-purchasing of nondurables to restore the sense of security by creating a supply of food and beverages to be prepared for possible bad times.

“It is important to understand how our level of happiness or overall well-being affects our choices in various aspects of our life, consumers´ behavior included. Our study contributes to the area of research on the relationship between various aspects of well-being and consumption by adding the variable of consumer confidence, which is considered an important psychological factor affecting consumers´ spending.“ says Lenka Mynarikova, Ph.D.

 ◳ Lenka Mynaříková (jpg) → (originál)

Text is based on the research article: 

Mynaříková, L., Pošta, V. The Effect of Consumer Confidence and Subjective Well-being on Consumers’ Spending Behavior. J Happiness Stud (2022).

[urlnadstranka] => [poduzel] => Array ( ) [iduzel] => 68277 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /press/what-do-we-do-at-uct-prague/happy-people-spend-less-on-consumption-study-across-22-oecd-countries-suggests [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_obrazek [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [68275] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Concentrations of psychoactive compounds in mushrooms are extremely variable [seo_title] => Concentrations of psychoactive compounds in mushrooms are extremely variable [seo_desc] => [autor] => [autor_email] => [perex] =>

Since not only psilocybin (PSB) but also PSB-containing mushrooms are used for psychedelic therapy and microdosing, it is necessary to know their concentration variability in wild-grown mushrooms. The research now aimed to determine the PSB, psilocin (PS), baeocystin (BA), norbaeocystin (NB), and aeruginascin (AE) concentrations in a large sample set of mushrooms belonging to genera previously reported to contain psychotropic tryptamines

[ikona] => [obrazek] => 0002~~cy9KLMjITE7MUShKLShKLU7NK0ksyczPU9BITCouKUpMLtEEAA.png [ogobrazek] => 0002~~cy9KLMjITE7MUShKLShKLU7NK0ksyczPU9BITCouKUpMLtEEAA.png [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

Psychotropic mushrooms are mushrooms that contain compounds that can have a psychoactive effect on the brain, causing changes in perception, mood, and consciousness. These mushrooms are often used for their hallucinogenic properties, and they have been used for centuries in traditional spiritual and medicinal practices. Some of the most well-known psychotropic mushrooms are species of the genera Psilocybe, Conocybe, and Panaeolus.

Nevtheless, Fungi are an understudied, biotechnologically valuable group of organisms. Numerous biologically active compounds (secondary metabolites) have been described from mushrooms (macromycetes), and among them, psychotropic tryptamines have played fascinating roles in both ancient and modern human history. The main fungal tryptamines (Figure 1) are psilocybin (PSB) and psilocin (PS), while the minor tryptamines are baeocystin (BA), norbaeocystin (NB), and aeruginascin (AE). However, the psychotropic effect of BA, NB, and AE has not been fully established. It has been reported that the same dose of BA administered produced a psychotropic effect as the same dose of PSB. However, BA and NB may not be psychoactive per se, but they can be transformed by PsiK kinase and PsiM methyltransferase to PS, which is psychotropic.

Researches now conducted a new study focused on Extensive Collection of Psychotropic Mushrooms with Determination of Their Tryptamine Alkaloids. Ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry was used to quantify tryptamine alkaloids in the mushroom samples. Concentrations of five tryptamine alkaloids were determined in a large sample set of 226 fruiting bodies of 82 individual collections from seven mushroom genera. For many mushroom species, concentrations of BA, NB, and AE are reported for the first time. The highest PSB/PS concentrations were found in Psilocybe species, but no tryptamines were detected in the P. fuscofulva and P. fimetaria collections. Therefore, “the tryptamine concentrations in mushrooms are extremely variable, representing a problem for mushroom consumers due to the apparent risk of overdose. The varied cocktail of tryptamines in wild mushrooms could influence the medicinal effect compared to therapy with chemically pure PSB, posing a serious problem for data interpretation.” said principal researcher Martin Kuchař from Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds, University of Chemistry and Technology Prague.

Text is based on the research article: 

Gotvaldová K, Borovička J, Hájková K, Cihlářová P, Rockefeller A, Kuchař M. Extensive Collection of Psychotropic Mushrooms with Determination of Their Tryptamine Alkaloids. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022; 23(22):14068.

[urlnadstranka] => [poduzel] => Array ( ) [iduzel] => 68275 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /press/what-do-we-do-at-uct-prague/concentrations-of-psychoactive-compounds-in-mushrooms-are-extremely-variable [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_obrazek [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [55498] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => LCA – Life Cycle Assessment [seo_title] => LCA – Life Cycle Assessment [seo_desc] => [autor] => Iryna Lanko [autor_email] => [perex] =>

We are humans, and Life is something that sounds very clear to us. We are being born, we are living on the planet, and at some time and space point, unfortunately, we die. The same happens to animals and other living organisms. Whenever we talk about something else, which is not a living creature, we hardly think of Life as its property. Or not?

[ikona] => [obrazek] => 0001~~DcnBDYAgDADAVfrUh-5g-LpErZWQICW0mvhjDF2PSeR7t4aDwT0UGRZVVj05GbT6uoJ7RxPwBW9u9QOSRJwNBpWrEMMEOWIy9FsQpcB9dZbixx8.png [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

Everything that exists in our materialistic everyday life has a certain period of time which is normally called Life Cycle. And according to the analogy of a human life, it starts from the cradle and finishes at the grave. This is the main definition of such an analytical tool as Life Cycle Assessment LCA that we are going to talk about.

At the first sight, it looks like to be clear. And after some time, you may ask, why we should care about Life Cycle of whatever it is and, moreover, assess it?!

Fortunately, we have an answer. Everything that surrounds us has an impact on the environment. All the things we produce they start their way in many cases from mining: irons, oils other different raw ores and sources we dig out from the Earth. Then these raw resources have to be refined, and, finally, various types of products are being produced. 

It looks to be simple. However, inside these procedures are hidden different little and sometimes tiny but significant processes and actions such as energy or chemicals production and consumption, or transportation and their trade-off during all stages of anything – a table spoon that we use to eat soup, for example! The procedure of LCA let us imagine how much effort we have to spend to get any ordinary thing that we commonly use on everyday life base.

Afterall, there are a lot of LCA software types. Each LCA software has a huge database of little processes and actions that allow us step by step to produce above mentioned table spoon. This should be done according to the inventory list of all possible stages needed for this good to be produced and utilized when we talk not only about the starting point, but also about the final step of any single thing life – its disposal. Then, we combine the total impact on the environment in terms of the whole influence on the nature from the list of procedure from the beginning to the end – showing a “cradle and grave” approach. Simultaneously, we can also define the environmental impact of any good specifically – depending on a type of environmental sphere – it can be Climate Change and Ozone Depletion, Fossil Depletion and Terrestrial Acidification and so on.

AN ordinary table spoon (source - this possibility give us an advantage to choose, for instance, between iron or stainless steel table spoon based on sustainable and eco-friendly approach. At the same time, LCA tool gives a hand when improving quality of a product and making it more environmentally friendly – as it is possible to compare the environmental impact of alternative processes or materials used for the same spoon production. In the end of the end, application of LCA let us think on re-cycling and re-using the goods that have already reached their final step of life, as most usually, it is less aggressive to the environment to re-use the thing somehow again rather than to use new material and sources for its full life cycle. It is known that mining and refining most often are the most dangerous aspects of new goods’ production in context of nature protection.

Thus, this analytical tool provides us with different options how to make the surrounding world better and produce safely with regard to the environment. 

In our “anaerobic” group at Faculty of Environmental Technology, UCT Prague, we develop technologies that help to treat different types of wastewater and sewage sludge up to the quality defined by law and make it as cheap as possible. Additionally, nowadays when building a new wastewater treatment plant, or  rehabilitating an old one, using LCA, we can also implement not only the most effective technologies, but also the most safe ones in terms of environment protection.  

Thus, in the frames of the investigation, we managed to identify the type of sewage sludge handling technology that would allow us to reduce the environmental burden of the whole process of wastewater treatment. Among other processes temperature-phased anaerobic digestion demonstrated the best combination of already well-known and commonly spread worldwide anaerobic process of sewage sludge management.

 Author is doctoral student at Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering

[urlnadstranka] => [poduzel] => Array ( ) [iduzel] => 55498 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /press/what-do-we-do-at-uct-prague/lca-life-cycle-assessment [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_obrazek [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [54373] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Wastewater, The Neglected Valuable Resource [seo_title] => Wastewater, The Neglected Valuable Resource [seo_desc] => [autor] => Solomon Ofori [autor_email] => [perex] =>

It’s said that, “water is life’’ because the existence of humans is virtually impossible without water. Both domestic and industrial human activities depend on water; whether cooking, laundry, gardening, cooling, heating, recreational or production water is required. But the accessibility to such an important resource is becoming limited due to increased urbanization and climate change and variability. Conventional water sources such as rivers, lakes, streams, springs, groundwater are continually reducing in quantity and are under water demand stress. Therefore, it’s imperative that other alternative water sources are sought. Unfortunately, wastewater (treated) which holds a great prospect of being a viable and sustainable alternative water source is largely neglected.

[ikona] => [obrazek] => 0001~~C08sLkktTyxJLVJIrkzOSQUA.png [pozadi] => [obsah] =>

Water, a valuable resource for human existence is continually becoming inaccessible to humans. At homes, schools, recreational centers, restaurants, hospitals and industries water is needed for various activities such as cooking, heating, irrigation/garden watering, laundry, sports, drinking, car washing, etc. The water sources by which these water needs are met include groundwater, surface waters (rivers, lakes, streams), springs and rain water. However, increased urbanization and climate change have negatively affected the quantities and distributions of these sources, limiting the amount of water available for use.

Unfortunately, wastewater, a possible water source, which could be helpful to humans, have been neglected. It’s the water that has been used for an activity and its quality deteriorated. This includes water from laundry, bathing, cooking, sinks, etc. Majority of the water extracted for use ends up as wastewater, whether for cooking, bathing or laundry. Yet such high amount of water is disposed of into rivers, lakes and streams after treatment, even though it can be used for other purposes. The act of using wastewater dated back several hundreds of years but its advancement has been hampered by negative public perception. The current global water crisis has called for a broader discussion on this important but neglected act. Currently few countries such as Namibia, United States of America, Singapore, Spain and Australia are using treated wastewater for direct and indirect use.

Thanks to the advancement of technology, various treatment technologies have been developed to treat wastewater to have qualities similar to that of freshwaters. The incorporation of advanced technologies such as membranes and UV disinfection, into conventional wastewater treatment has led to a considerable improvement in the effluent (wastewater discharged) quality. The once dirty, coloured and smelly water now comes out as colourless, odourless and clean water; some having qualities similar to potable water. This relatively high-quality water, which could have been used for irrigation, laundry, flushing of toilet and street cleaning rather ends up in rivers, lakes and streams in many countries around the globe including the Czech Republic.

Use of treated wastewater for human activities has enormous benefit to society, both economically and environmentally. It reduces farmers’ dependency on chemical fertilizers, which poses pollution risk to groundwater and surface waters, and also saves farmers money. Water resources which are experiencing water stress due to over extraction as a result of urbanization and climate change will be relieved of such water stress since less water will be extracted. The use of treated wastewater is key in ensuring the sustainability of water resources for our generation and future generations. Until humans consider treated wastewater as a resource for human activities, the sustainability of current water resources to meet current and future water demands remains a dilemma considering the fact that the causes of water scarcity keep on aggravating rather than declining.

Is in the light of this dilemma, that the Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering of University of Chemistry and Technology is engaged in wastewater reuse research activities to unravel the possible usage of treated wastewater in Czech Republic and the world at large. Currently research is underway to demonstrate the possibility of treated wastewater for irrigation and urban greenery. Considering the drought being experienced, it is important that other alternative water sources such as wastewater is given the needed attention. The work of the department will shed more light on treated wastewater usage to help the public and authorities make informed choices regarding wastewater reuse.

Author is doctoral student at Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering

[urlnadstranka] => [poduzel] => Array ( ) [iduzel] => 54373 [canonical_url] => [skupina_www] => Array ( ) [url] => /press/what-do-we-do-at-uct-prague/wastewater-the-neglected-valuable-resource [sablona] => stdClass Object ( [class] => stranka_obrazek [html] => [css] => [js] => [autonomni] => 1 ) ) [46118] => stdClass Object ( [nazev] => Next generation redox flow batteries for sustainable energy development [seo_title] => Next generation redox flow batteries for sustainable energy development [seo_desc] => [autor] => Diego Del Olmo Diaz [autor_email] => [perex] =>

With the raise of renewable energies, a new landscape for the energy production ecosystem is in front of us. However, the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources creates a need for efficient and low-cost energy storage. In such context, redox flow batteries arise as an alternative to current technologies, aiming to offer an increased durability at a competitive cost. At UCT Prague, as part of the FlowCamp project, we work on the development of next generation redox flow batteries for large-scale energy storage systems using abundant and inexpensive materials.

[ikona] => [obrazek] => 0001~~S81JzS4pyo_Pzi9OzU4vyi8tMAIA.png [obsah] =>

Over the past two decades, there has been a significant shift in the energy production landscape towards renewable energies. Such change has been promoted by an increased social awareness about the negative effects of CO2 emissions produced by fossil fuel combustion. However, renewable energies present technological challenges due to their fluctuating nature as they cannot ensure a constant energy supply. For example, solar energy can be obtained only during daytime and wind energy heavily depends on weather conditions. This issue can be solved by means of stationary energy storage accumulating energy surpluses and releasing it afterwards as required.

Currently, the widespread energy storage solutions are pumped-hydro stations covering 95% of the energy stored in the world (2017); batteries represent less than 2% of the grand total. Pumped-hydro provides a low-cost solution but requires large volumes of water at different altitudes which limits the installations to mountainous areas. On the other hand, batteries can store up to 1000 times more energy than pumped-hydro for the same volume. But the cost of storing electrical energy in batteries is up to 10 times higher than the production cost of the same energy and, therefore, research is needed to achieve competitive costs.

Lithium-ion batteries are widely used for portable applications (such as mobile phones or electric vehicles) and lately also stationary systems based on this technology have been produced. However, as the rising demand for lithium will soon overcome its availability, alternative technologies using more abundant and economical materials are desired. In this context, redox flow batteries present a suitable solution for stationary energy storage. They operate like a common battery converting chemical energy into electricity but, instead of being a closed system, there is a flow of active materials in and out of the battery. Their operation can be thought of as similar to combustion in a heater: an “electrochemical fuel” is fed into the battery where it reacts producing electricity, but such “fuel” can also be regenerated (recharged) by reversing the system feeding electricity to the cell. This approach allows the use of the same battery design in wind/solar stations of diverse sizes as the capacity only depends on the external tanks that store the “electrochemical fuel”.

Within this search for suitable redox flow battery technologies for stationary energy storage, the FlowCamp project is funded by the EU as part of the Horizon 2020 framework (Grant Agreement no. 765289). During this four-year project (2017-2021), 15 PhD students in 11 different institutions will work on the development of prototype redox flow batteries for three different next generation systems: hydrogen-bromide, organic, and zinc-air. The main goal of this project is to decrease the cost of energy storage in considered systems to a level comparable to the energy production cost. Kosek group at Department of Chemical Engineering of UCT Prague (VSCHT v Praze) participates on this project by providing computer models to assist with the design of a zinc-air redox flow battery. The zinc-air technology is commonly used as a primary (non-rechargeable) battery in, for example, hear-aid devices. The technological challenge comes with the scalability into a redox flow system suitable for large-scale energy storage. The main advantages of this technology are its high storage capacity (energy density) and the broad availability of the employed materials.

The development of accurate and reliable computer models constitutes an essential part in the research and development of battery technologies. Computer modelling has two primary goals: Firstly, it provides necessary insight into what happens under the hood, since not all aspects of the system can be directly observed experimentally. Secondly, it provides tools for optimization and thus saves money and time spent on building prototypes with non-optimal design. This is especially important in the design of batteries as the optimization of the geometry (where the liquid flows) would require building and testing several prototypes resulting in prohibitive costs. Therefore, we work in close collaboration with the partners of the FlowCamp project that are developing different battery components providing constant feedback on upcoming development steps. Ultimately, our models will simulate how the battery behaves under different operating conditions during both charging (when the renewable energy source is producing electricity which is fed to the battery) and discharging (when the power has to be supplied from the battery to the customer). Accordingly, the modelling tools developed for the research phase can also be used for monitoring of the battery during operation as means for early diagnose of faults.

In summary, development of large scale reliable energy storage systems is a crucial need if renewable energy sources are to overcome the fossil sources. UCT is a proud member of the European FlowCamp consortium, that is pushing the frontier of that research forward developing next generation redox flow batteries.

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Atmospheric CO2 concentrations continue to increase as a result of human activities and are thus considered to be either the reason for or the result of climate change. Although the implications of CO2 in climate change entered the public dialogue several decades ago, significant confusion surrounding the topic remains. Many people are unmoved by the issue or think of it as too complex a problem to even think of fixing. Many governments and stakeholders claim that climate change is a worldwide hoax invented by scientists to fool the general public, despite all the obvious consequences already occurring: unpredictable weather patterns, melting of the Arctic sea ice, floods, heat waves, shifting rainfall patterns, and rising sea levels. But the global scientific community has proven that anthropogenic carbon emissions from human activities are the main contributors to the greenhouse effect, trapping heat and making the earth warmer[1].

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We can choose to take action now and slow the rate of climate change, or we can alternatively pretend that all of this is not true and hope for the best, undermining the science behind the issue. Herein, the preparation of low cost adsorbents for CO2 capture is presented.

Considering the fact that the burning of fossil fuels is the major culprit to the rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations, the most logical solution for combatting climate change will be to switch to renewable (clean) energy sources such as solar or wind systems. However, the main hurdle still holding us back is the fact that coal and oil are abundant and cheap, while current renewable energy sources are not yet able to meet increasing global energy demands. Therefore, while we develop and search for new alternative clean energy sources, we can still be more efficient in our energy use, plant more trees, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially from large emission sources such as fossil fuel burning power plants and by applying carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies. Since there has been a delay in cutting CO2 emissions, considering how long it has been since global warming and climate change came into the spotlight, we need multiple solutions simultaneously. In addition to reducing industrial emissions, we need to start removing much of the CO2 which has already been released into the atmosphere. An increase in global temperatures by 2° C is considered the point of no return, which means we need urgent action. Many nations are therefore committed to limiting their greenhouse gas emissions in order to keep global temperature increase below 1.5° C. The development of new high performance materials and technologies for capturing CO2 in economical and environmentally friendly ways is key to achieving this target. Because CO2 capture is the most expensive part of CCS technology, most research has focused on reducing the costs of sorbents. So far, solid sorbents are the most promising due to their durability over several cycles and their low energy requirements for regeneration.

In the Bioengineering and Functional Materials Laboratorya large part of our research activities centers around the design of multifunctional nanostructured materials for various applications (CO2 capture, bioseparations, biomedicine etc.) in parallel to mathematical modelling of underlying mechanisms e.g. nanoparticle aggregation. Our most recent work[2] highlights the development of hierarchically porous materials for CO2 capture using an easy and new concept from cheap precursors (polystyrene and polyaniline), without the need for any complicated instrumentation. Our strategy (summarized in Scheme 1) is based on the removal of sacrificial polystyrene nanoparticles (PS NPs) during a pre-carbonization step which generates large pores for easy gas diffusion followed by chemical activation to generate micropores, which are required for high capacity CO2 capture. Transmission and scanning electron microscopies have revealed the hierarchically porous nature of the materials (Figure 1

and 2 respectively). By varying the size of the sacrificial PS NPs and the intensity of chemical treatment, the material pore size distribution was easily tuned. We obtained an outstanding CO2 capture capacity with our optimum material (9.14 mmol g-1 at 273.15 K and 1 bar), which is one of the highest sorption capacities reported for carbon materials in the literature. Interestingly, a linear relationship between CO2 sorption capacity and the ultramicropore volume (pores < 0.7 nm) was observed for all the prepared materials (Figure 1 [c]), thus highlighting the importance of very small pores in the capture performance. Given the performance of these materials and the simplicity in their preparation, we believe they are promising CO2 sorbents, and the approach could serve as a guide to other researchers who might be interested in the design of new high-capacity CO2 capture sorbents.

To be commercially attractive, in addition to high sorption performance, an adsorbent should also be capable of being easily regenerated and mechanically strong enough to withstand the bulk handling typical of industrial units. As such, our future work will focus on evaluating the stability of these sorbents under various industrial conditions as well as the ability to be regenerated after multiple adsorption/desorption cycles.

If we fail to keep CO2 emissions under control, the effects might be irreversible, and it will be too late to fix, rendering our home—the Earth—unlivable. There is still much to be done and a long path ahead of us; however, we believe that carbon capture and storage systems, if developed, could contribute significantly to mitigating the climate change problem.


  1. IPCC Fifth Assessment, 2013: Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Stocker, F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex and P.M. Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA, 1535 pp.
  2. Edith Mawunya Kutorglo, Fatima Hassouna, Anna Beltzung, Dušan Kopecký, Ivona Sedlářova and Miroslav Šoóš, (2018)


Author is a PhD student at  Department of Chemical Engineering

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