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Employee benefits

UCT Prague aims at creating a creative and pleasant environment for its employees for performing their work. The University therefore provides employees with a number of employment benefits:

Flexible working hours

At UCT Prague, a flexible working schedule is possible, unless operational conditions or other workplace specifics prevent this, after agreement between an employee and their respective manager.

More vacation

The amount of leave for academic employees, in accordance with Czech Labour Code, is 8 weeks per calendar year.

The amount of leave for non-academic employees is set beyond the framework of the Labour Code, i.e. 6 weeks per calendar year.

Meal allowance in the form of a flat rate meal plan

UCT Prague contributes to its employees' meals in the form of a so-called flat rate meal plan. Employees who work a single-shift are provided with a contribution of CZK 60 per day, if they work at least 3 hours in a given shift. Employees with uneven working hours are provided with a contribution of CZK 90 shifts longer than 11 hours. Employees with a half-time contract (0.5 FTE) and above are entitled to a meal allowance.

Option of working from a remote office

Employees whose operational and specific working conditions allow their duties to be performed from a non-UCT Prague workplace may work from so-called  remote office. The condition for awarding this employee benefit is the conclusion of a Performance of work from home agreement between the employee and the employer.

Contribution to pension insurance

In addition to the Czech governmental contributions, UCT Prague provides employees with an additional contribution to any personal pension insurance fund or to a supplementary pension insurance fund. The amount of the additional contribution is 3% of the employee's base pay rate per month derived from their calculated social security premiums and Czech unemployment insurance , up to a maximum of CZK 600/month. UCT Prague employees with a half-time contract (0.5 FTE) and above can apply for this contribution after one year of employment with the University.

Education and professional training

UCT Prague supports the ongoing education of its employees, both in terms of compulsory training (e.g. periodic training and courses) and in terms of professional and personal development educational activities, additionally supplemented by courses and training events at specific UCT Prague units in their areas of activity.

Fitness and language courses for employees

UCT Prague offers provides fitness/exercise classes and language training courses for employees that are provided by the pertinent University units.

University-owned recreational facilities

Employees can use the University’s accommodation facilities in Jáchymov and Pec pod Sněžkou for recreational purposes. More detailed information about these facilities is available on The Administration of University Facilities’ website

UCT Prague Childcare Centre for employees

UCT Prague supports work-life balance for its employees. To this end, the UCT Prague Childcare Centre was established in 2013 to provide all-day care for employees’ preschool children.

Parking for employees

UCT Prague can use the parking lot on Vítězné náměstí in Dejvice for free upon presenting their employee card.

Software licenses for personal use

Employees can use licences for software products provided by UCT Prague, some of them (e.g. Microsoft Office 365, Zoner Photo studio) also for personal use on their own devices.

Multisport card

Employees can (for a fee) obtain a Multisport card, which entitles them to free or discounted entry to a range of sports facilities and other activities.


Many of these benefits are contractually specified in the collective agreement negotiated by the University’s Higher Education Union (ŠO VOS) - website only in Czech.

Updated: 17.10.2023 15:22, Author: Jan Kříž


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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