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Habilitation and Appointment of Professors

Habilitation proceedings at the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT) are carried out in compliance with Sections 71 and 72 of Act No. 111/1998 Coll. on Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments of and Supplements to Other Acts (the Higher Education Act), as amended, and in compliance with Article 29 of the Statute of the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague.

Proceedings for the appointment of professors at UCT take place under Sections 73 and 74 of the Higher Education Act and in compliance with Article 29 of the Statute of UCT.

Documents related to the proceedings at UCT Prague

All documents are available to download at document section at the bottom of the page

  1. List of scientific fields for which UCT Prague has been accredited (in Czech language) 
  2. Legal requirements (at national level and at UCT Prague level)
  3. Framework Criteria for the Habilitation Procedure and the Procedure to Appoint Professors at UCT Prague
  4. Rules of Habilitation Procedures and Procedures for Appointment of Professors at the UCT Prague
  5. Methodological manual for habilitation proceedings and proceedings for appointment of professors 
    • Application form - start of habilitation proceeding (an attachment to no. 5)
    • Application form - start of proceeding for appointment of professor (an attachment to no. 5)

In compliance with Decree No. 30.07/03 of 19 March 2003 on Fees for the above-standard administrative tasks, the commencement of the habilitation procedure is subject to a fee of CZK 3,000. The obligation to pay does not apply to emplyees of UCT Prague. In exceptional cases, the Dean or the relevant Vice-Rector may, on the basis of a written request, reduce or forgive payment for the above-standard administrative tasks.

The list of scientific and professional activities of the applicant and habilitation thesis is available at the Dean's Office.


Open and finished proceedings


Links lead to Czech website.

Appointment of Professors

Links lead to Czech website.



Updated: 24.6.2022 17:27, Author: Jan Kříž

List of scientific fields for which UCT Prague has been accredited (habilitation and appointment of professors)
Requirements for habilitation and appointment of professors – Extract from the Czech national law (Higher Education Act)05.01.2018
Rules of Habilitation Procedures and Procedures for Appointment of Professors at the UCT Prague11.10.2018
A/S/965/15/2018 (EN)Framework Criteria for the Habilitation Procedure and the Procedure to Appoint Professors at UCT Prague18.10.2018
B/O/965/1/2024 (EN)Methodological instruction for process of habilitation and appointment of professors (with application forms)10.01.2024


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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