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Research at UCT Prague

UCT Prague is a research university primarily focused on technical chemistry, chemical and biochemical technologies, material and chemical engineering, food science, and environmental science. Its cutting-edge facilities and equipment together, with an impressive scientific and research profile, make it an ideal training ground for the managerial, R&D, and public sector leaders of the future.

UCT Prague has four faculties. Its competitive edge lies in its unique “weaving together” of teaching activities with the highest-quality basic and applied research. Across UCT Prague, scientific teams are intensively involved in various national and international cooperative R&D efforts. The Project Centre provides methodological and administrative support to researchers submitting project applications and managing funded projects.

UCT Prague considers the commercialisation of applied research to be an important part of its mission. For that reason, UCT Prague’ss Research and Technology Transfer Office offers researchers support, contributing to extending valourisation of scientific outputs and pursuing the quest for new collaborative partners in applied settings. In 2015, UCT Prague opened Technopark Kralupy, a science and technology hub focused on chemistry for building construction applications, materials engineering, and related fields. The Technopark plays an essential role in UCT Prague’s technology transfer efforts and strategies.

The Research and Technology Transfer Office facilitates internal grants for researchers and students, offers opportunities to compete in prestigious research competitions, and promotes active engagement and participation in student conferences.

UCT Prague is an attractive institution for young scientists and early career researchers, and the Project Centre actively supports hosting and mentoring ECRs, e.g. as part of Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. Here, ECRs can apply for a prestigious start-up grant, the Dagmar Procházková Fund, in order to create their own UCT Prague research groups. Postdoctoral fellows at UCT Prague receive extensive international mobility support for broadening their research horizons.

UCT Prague is actively involved in global scientific efforts and is continuously expanding and deepening its collaborations with partners around the world. The basic pillars of these activities include scientific research projects, inter-university cooperation memoranda, and Erasmus+ agreements. UCT Prague additionally creates and accredits joint study programmes with universities abroad.

Paving the way for the European Commission’s HR Excellence in Research Award, UCT Prague is committed to creating collegial working conditions, supporting continuous professional development, and transparent hiring procedures. The Personnel Department co-creates facilities for employees together with the Welcome Centre, which supports employees arriving from abroad, from assisting with the visa process to answering questions about everyday life in Prague. In its determination to be an attractive and welcoming institution for all employees and students, UCT Prague has created a Gender Equality Plan, an executive action initiative.

Updated: 7.9.2022 15:29, Author: Jan Kříž



Vice-Rector for Research and Development

prof. Dr. Ing. Dalibor Vojtěch
 (00420) 733 690 645

→ Additional Contacts and Directions

Telephone Directory


International Projects Consulting

Hana Štěpánková
Ing. Hana Štěpánková
e (00420) 220 443 210
Karolína Friessová
Ing. Karolína Friessová, Ph.D.
e (00420) 220 443 210    


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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