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Employee training

UCT Prague supports the ongoing education of its employees, both in terms of compulsory training (e.g. periodic training and courses) and in terms of professional and personal development educational activities, additionally supplemented by courses and training events at specific UCT Prague units in their areas of activity.

Current course offerings are available on the University website:

  • Personnel department (intranet; Czech page only and use VPR to login off-campus) with more information in the OKbase electronic information system for employees.
    The Personnel Department advertises and handles registration for mandatory periodic training sessions, e.g. for safety and health protection at work and fire protection, as well as courses for employees provided by Seduo, an external educational agency.
  • Project Centre (Seminar module).
    The Project Centre provides courses and seminars about current calls for grant funding as well as activities related submitting project applications and implementing projects.
  • The Department of Lifelong Education (webpage only in Czech) provides professional courses, seminars, and training sessions aimed at the performance of professional chemical and teaching careers for the general public. The department’s range of services has been expanded to include courses also suitable for employees.
  • The Department of Pedagogy and the Humanities, which provides courses for the development of teaching skills (webpage only in Czech).
  • The Department of Languages prepares courses every year that are regularly held on announced dates. These offerings are aimed at improving employees’ language skills .
Updated: 25.8.2022 18:52, Author: Jan Kříž


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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