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Gender Equality Plan and HORIZON Europe

Obrázek2_GEP UCT Prague

In 2020, the European Commission launched the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) as a tool for more balanced representation of women and men in R&D&I.

The GEP represents the commitment of an institution to support gender equality as part of its strategic activities. Each institution determines its own goals and measures according to its needs. A processed and completed GEP is, among other things, a compulsory requirement for assessing the eligibility of applicants from public universities and research organizations for Horizon Europe programme funding.

GEP at UCT Prague

UCT Prague based its GEP on previous related work previously conducted as part of the European TRIGGER project. Until 2021, this initial document, the Transformation Plan, laid out the path forward for implementing changes in the institutional and cultural environment to improve gender equality. An updated plan of activities for 2022-2026, the GEP (Gender Equality Plan) is downloadable below.

Processes included in the Gender Equality Plan:

  • Work-life balance and a gender-balanced organizational work culture.
  • Moving towards balanced gender representation in leadership, management, and decision-making positions.
  • Equal rights for women and men in hiring for scientific and academic positions and in career advancement.
  • Including the gender dimension in the content of R&D&I and teaching activities.
  • Prevention of sexual and gender-based harassment.

UCT Prague’s GEP was approved on 29 December 2021 by UCT Prague’s Rector, Prof. Dr. RNDr. Pavel Matejka.

Updated: 10.9.2022 00:30, Author: Jan Kříž

Gender Equality Plan UCT Prague 2022-202610.01.202231.12.2026


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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