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Hydrogen Academy: a new milestone in clean energy education

According to European Union data, Europe will need 100,000 highly-qualified hydrogen industrial technologies employees by 2030. The newly-established HyAcademy.EU Hydrogen Academy is responding to this challenge, aiming to create a network of 100 universities and 500 secondary schools across Europe with hydrogen technology education. The ambitious project will create a  framework for providing comprehensive education and practical competences in the field of hydrogen technologies, essential components in transitioning towards a more climate-friendly energy future. University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, represented by professors Karl Bouzko and Robert Steinberger-Wilckens, is coordinating Hydrogen Academy activities and its consortium of 17 partners from 11 countries.

“We stand on the threshold of a new era in energy production, with hydrogen playing an increasingly important role. In order to fully exploit hydrogen energy’s potential, we need well-trained experts. HyAcademy.EU stands ready to provide the necessary education and skills to thousands of students and professionals,” says Professor Steinberger-Wilckens.

The Hydrogen Academy strives not only toward providing top-level educational opportunities, but also towards the creation of educational materials and resources for teachers and students. This includes, among other things, a hydrogen industry web portal with training and career opportunity information, open access teaching materials for schools, and textbooks for universities. Furthermore, the Academy will offer hands-on training in specialized laboratories.

UCT Prague is not only project coordinator, but it will also play a key role in the development and provision of educational materials for the project. Its activities within the Czech Republic include the identification of suitable educational institutions, an analysis of requirements for employers, and the preparation of teaching materials themselves.

“Education and training are the cornerstones of a successful transition to a clean energy economy. Our role in this project can help the Czech Republic maintain its position as an industrial nation in the new energy era,” adds Professor Bouzek, also a long-time organizer of the Hydrogen Days international conference and guarantor of hydrogen technologies study programs.

In addition to basic European Union funding, the Academy is receiving governmental support from the EU’s Clean Hydrogen Partnership, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), and the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).


The University of Chemistry and Technology Prague (UCT Prague) is a natural center of study and cutting-edge research. One of the largest educational and research institutions in Central Europe, it specializes in technical chemistry, chemical and biochemical technologies, material and chemical engineering, food chemistry, and environmental studies. Remarkably, of the more than 4,000 students at the school, 700 are enrolled in PhD programs on average. Some of the study programs on offer at UCT are unique in the Czech Republic and are key to the future of the entire country. The school collaborates with more than 100 academic institutions, namely within Europe but also in the USA, Canada, Japan, Vietnam, and elsewhere.

Contact: Michal Janovský, spokesman, telephone: +420 733 690 543, e-mail:

Updated: 13.2.2024 17:19, Author: Jan Kříž


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Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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