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UCT Prague support for the Ukraine

UCT Prague support for the Ukraine crisis

On this page, you will find up-to-date information on the types of assistance that the university offers to war-affected students, academics, and their countrymates. If you want to support your colleagues and their loved ones with a specific offer or idea, or you have any questions, please write to

Offer to students from Ukraine

UCT Prague offers bachelor, master, and doctoral studies in various fields of chemistry, economics, and management. We offer study programmes in the Czech language and a smaller number of study programmes in English.

Applications to study programmes in Czech language for the 2024/2025 academic year (classes starting September 2024) are open up to March 31, 2024.

Applicants who are citizens of Ukraine participate in the standard admission process (more info in Czech = study programmes in Czech language; more info in English = study programmes in English). Submission of a formal application form does not guarantee admission to study. To be admitted, students must meet the standard admission requirements, which for some degree programmes may be successful completion of the entrance exam or fulfill the conditions for waiving it.

Applicants who have been granted temporary protection in the Czech Republic under Act No. 65/2022 Coll. have the opportunity to:

  • apply for a waiver of the admissions fee and the foreign education assessment fee, and if they meet the requirements, the fees will be waived;
  • if, due to armed conflict, applicants are unable to provide certain admission documents, they may be replaced by an affidavit (see the decree A/V/961/4/2023 - only in Czech)

UCT Prague does not currently provide special financial support for enrolled Ukrainian students. Applicants should expect to cover their living costs during their studies in Prague from their own resources. Study in Czech study programmes is free of charge. There are fees for studying in English.

Short-term courses

Unfortunately, we are currently unable to offer language or professional courses.


Offer to current Ukrainian students and academics at UCT Prague

UCT Prague currently offers students and academics affected by the war in Ukraine the following:

Help in solving study problems: if students face or will face problems with ongoing studies at UCT Prague as a result of the war, they can turn to their faculty dean's offices, which are prepared and ready to lend a helping hand and find the best possible solutions.

Extraordinary scholarships: also at the faculty dean’s offices, those affected can apply for an extraordinary scholarship for themselves in the event that the conflict and related circumstances endanger their studies due to sudden financial problems.

Psychological and socio-legal counselling: the current situation can be very demanding mentally; if students or academics need professional support in this regard, they can use our free services psychological or social-legal counselling. Direct contact HERE.


Assistance to refugees from Ukraine

Provision of beds in UCT Prague dormitories

The management of the UCT Prague’s Special Purpose Facilities Administration is offering Ukrainian students, academics, and other non-academic UCT Prague staff the opportunity to accommodate their loved ones who are in danger until capacity is exhausted (there are now about 50 beds available). For this, you must fill out an application (form in Czech | form in Ukrainian) and send it by email to: Accommodated persons from Ukraine who are directly related to students or employees of UCT Prague can apply for a one-off allowance of CZK 3,000 (see decree no.  A/V/961/9/2022 in Czech or in Ukrainian).

Applications will be assessed individually.

Document processing and access to assistance at national level

For Prague and the Central Bohemian Region, an Assistance Centre has been set up at the Vyšehrad Congress Centre, where all the necessary steps for obtaining residence documents and assistance (accommodation, healthcare, etc.) can be arranged. Assistance centres are also available in other regions (outside Prague they are less busy, so there are shorter waiting times).

Charitable aid

On Tuesday, March 1, 2022, UCT Prague’s Academic Senate approved the proposal of the university’s management for an extraordinary donation in support of the Ukraine in the amount of CZK 1,000,000.


Offer of Czech universities

Summary information and links to the support offered by individual Czech universities on



Colleagues from the Neuron Endowment Fund and IOCBTech (a subsidiary of the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry CAS) are offering financial assistance to Ukrainian scientists: more in Czech HERE.

We are also sharing support information from the Czech Science Foundation to Ukrainian students and researchers: more HERE as well as the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic: more HERE.

A section has been launched on the website, which is aggregating job position offers suitable for Ukrainian colleagues. The aim is to provide information about research and study opportunities in the Czech Republic, as well as an overview of what, how, and when it is necessary to provide administratively (on the legislative/visa side) and also who in the Czech Republic to contact at individual places of potential employment.

UCT Prague interrupted bilateral cooperation with partner Russian universities.


Employment of Ukrainian nationals at UCT Prague

If you would like to employ a citizen from Ukraine, please send an email to and enter it into MOBIS as soon as possible.

In connection with the situation in Ukraine, we prepared a brief guide to the employment options of Ukrainian nationals at the University of Chemistry and Technology in Prague.

All information changes and clarifies over the time, it is always good to deal with specific situations individually and consult everything in advance.


Opportunity to get involved in helping

There is a group of volunteers at VŠCHT Prague that coordinates its activities in a Facebook group.

Currently there are a large number of initiatives where you can help. If you have the opportunity to offer your help, you can register at (the application is run by a consortium of NGOs working with migrants).

In line with the recommendation not to split material collection activities, the VCHT does not organize its own material collection. If you want to help with a material donation, we recommend contacting existing professional foundations and organizers, or directly the Embassy of Ukraine in Prague.

UCT Prague is organizing an internal fundraising for the support of colleagues affected by the war in Ukraine. All UCT Prague employees and student can donate. (details on the intranet).

Updated: 9.1.2024 17:52, Author: Jan Kříž


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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