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Election of a candidate for Rector

Election Commission

  • RNDr. Pavel Pokorný, Ph.D. – chair
  • Doc. Ing. Petra Lovecká, Ph.D.
  • Doc. Ing. Miloslav Lhotka, Ph.D.
  • Ing. Martin Staš, Ph.D.
  • Bc. Matěj Drahník


Organization of the election

Proposals for candidates

Proposals for candidates for the position of Rector of UCT Prague, including both the full name of the candidate and the person making the proposal, could be submitted by members of the UCT Prague academic community and the Academic Senate (AS) in a sealed envelope marked “Proposal for Rector Candidates” addressed to the Chair of the Election Commission (RNDr. Pavel Pokorný, PhD, Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Cybernetics) at the UCT Mailroom from September 1, 2023 until September 19, 2023, 3:00 p.m.

Names of candidates

  • prof. Dr. RNDr. Pavel Matějka
  • prof. Ing. Milan Pospíšil, CSc.


The Academic Senate has formulated questions to the candidates asking for written answers. The answers of both candidates were published on 2 October. The answers to the first two questions are available in English.

Full text of the questions and answers in Czech


Next steps

Elections will then proceed as follows:

October 4, 2023, 15:30 in Lecture hall AII: Presentation of candidates at the pre-election meeting of the AS and the UCT academic community. The debate with the candidates will be live streamed and a recording will be available after the event. The debate will be in Czech language, but we plan to provide simultaneous English translation for the online broadcast.


Online stream


October 10, 2023, 13:30: Meeting of the UCT Prague AS – Elections of candidates for Rector

Updated: 3.10.2023 12:55, Author: Jan Kříž


UCT Prague
Technická 5
166 28 Prague 6 – Dejvice
Identification No.: 60461373
VAT: CZ60461373

Copyright: UCT Prague
Information provided by the Department of Communication.

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